My work

My work

My work

UX & UI - MiX Telematics

UX & UI - MiX Telematics

UX & UI - MiX Telematics




MiX Telematics is a leading global provider of fleet and mobile asset management solutions delivered as Software-as-a-Service or SaaS. The MiX Telematics range of products and services is sold in over 120 countries worldwide.

Building from the ground up, I designed a product that would allow technicians to remotely configure on-board computers that manage commercial truck fleets.

The configurations, that are created for each client based on the policies they purchased, are built from a library of scripts that are then customised.




This was one of the most technically challenging projects I ever worked on. It was a highly complex and hard-working product that required me to spend a lot of time doing in-depth interviews with various business stakeholders and technical experts to understand the requirements and the challenges.

Because any errors could be incredibly costly, especially multiplied over a whole fleet, the interface had to be clear and intuitive to highly technical advanced users. It had to be easy to create configurations from a library a scripts, check that the configurations were correct via pre-send testing, and have easy access to version control. Technicians also had to have the ability to schedule and track the upload of policies across a whole fleet of vehicles.

After in-depth interviews, we conducted workshops and worked closely with the MiX Telematics team to create prototypes that we tested and iterated until we had an MVP we could field test.

MiX Telematics 2013. Worked with: Anne-Sophie Leens.

Cape Town